Tag Archives: gratitude

Grateful for You

28 Nov

Give & Take

Hey, beautiful girls!

Thinking of you this morning as we prepare for a day of family, friends, and some of our favorite foods.

Hope the words in the pic above encourage you to reflect past simply having a day off school or work. : )

May we all feel an overwhelming sense of reassurance and gratitude that God is ultimately in control, and He is taking care of us in both small and big ways.

I want you to know I’m very grateful for YOU being a part of my life via this blog!

Sending you much love this turkey Thursday…

Happy Thanksgiving!


(Thanks to Pinterest for this pic!)

Barbara’s Story (might surprise you!)

24 Apr

Mom's wedding pic 3

Hey, everyone! Hope your week is going well…

Recently, I shared my story of meeting Mr. Right. (Worth the Wait) Could any of you relate to the things I was feeling on my journey?

As promised, here is my mom’s story.   Hers might REALLY surprise you! Let’s just say it involves some eloping, soul searching, and finding love like no other…

Hope our stories remind you that others have gone through the very things you face, that you are not alone…

If you have a moment, comment on this post and share what parts of our stories you liked best!

Praying for you this week!

Much love,


Worth the Wait (a.k.a. my story)

9 Apr


Hey, everyone!

Hope you had a fabulous spring break! My family and I did (even though much of it was spent spring cleaning!)

This week I’m sharing  my story of meeting Mr. Right. (It’s been awhile, and I thought those of you new to the blog might enjoy reading it.)

Next week, I’ll post my mom’s story as well.  (Hers might really surprise you! ; )

May reading about our journeys to love encourage you with your own love story (whether you see it yet or not.)

Have a great week, and happy reading!

Much love,



19 Nov

On Thursday, Americans from all walks of life will be observing one of our most important national holidays: Thanksgiving! Like me, are you looking forward to the traditional turkey, stuffing, and whipped-cream-topped pumpkin pie? Yum!

Yet this is more than just a day off of school or work, to simply enjoy feasting with family and friends. This is a day for every man, woman and child to pause and count their many blessings—and then thank the benevolent God Who made each one possible.

Have you ever looked up what thanksgiving means?

thanks·giv·ing  [thangks-giv-ing] noun

1. the act of giving thanks; grateful acknowledgment of benefits or favors, especially to God.

2. an expression of thanks, especially to God.

3. a public celebration in acknowledgment of divine favor or kindness.

4. a day set apart for giving thanks to God.

5. ( initial capital letter ) Thanksgiving Day.

This year, as we are enjoying the food and fun on this very special day, let’s remind each other that the most important part of the celebration is not the food or the fellowship. It’s thanking God from our hearts.

And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. Colossians 2:6-7(NLT)

Happy Thanksgiving to all this Thursday!

Much love,

Barbara & Lisa

photo credit

Dictionary Credit at Dictionary.com