Different is Good

1 Oct

Here are a few follow-up thoughts from last week’s post about Dream Chic

As I said before, much of the fun of Dream Chic involves the fabulous women I get to spend time with over those few days. Like my mil Victoria Raftery, founder of Dream Chic, who isn’t just a fashion plate (this woman can work it!), but also a powerhouse of wisdom & encouragement, reminding us that our dreams count! GO FOR IT!


Or Christine Martin, a firecracker from New York (now a Floridian) who reminds you not just who you are and what you can reach for, but how do-able it is to step into God’s plan for your life. (She’s REALLY fun to listen to, by the way!)


I could list all the amazing speakers and how each one touched my heart in some way (some of them young women your age). But here’s my point today: Each woman had something significant to contribute that weekend, even though each one had a different look, personality, and message.



The key was that each one was herself, and in that, her story shined beautifully.

Together, all of us speakers just being “us,” we made a lovely symphony that worked together to give God glory and encourage the many women listening. Women who came with their own unique situations, hopes, dreams, problems, and concerns, yet were able to process what was shared and leave that conference healed, refreshed, and forever changed. (Me included!)

Would that have happened if all of us told the exact same stories, challenges, struggles, and victories? Or did our varying personal journeys with the Lord help more women connect in some way to what was said?

So…how has God made you to fit in His beautiful symphony? Because if you try to be someone else, we all miss out on the sound He created you to provide. (Remember my post awhile back, Please Be You! ?)

No matter how you feel about yourself today, it’s important that you yield to the truth (because truth is truth regardless of our fickle, unstable feelings that change constantly).

The truth is:

You are beautiful and precious.

God loves you to such a profound degree, you get to simply enjoy it without ever fully understanding it.

Your Heavenly Father has plans for you today and tomorrow that are so special, so valuable, they are worth fighting for and protecting. Why? Because you are worth so very much to Him and to others (both those around you now and those you have yet to meet in the future).

Do you realize that your dream counts (the Dream Chic motto)?

Why does it count? Because YOU do!

Have a great day remembering that…
Love you, beautiful girls!

marshmallow/live speaker photos credit

Beautiful Dream Chics

1 Oct


Well, I’m back from the Dream Chic Conference about a week, and I am still TIRED! But it’s the type of tired where you can still smile and let out a contented sigh, knowing it was totally worth it (said from beneath the pile of laundry I have yet to finish!)

Joking aside, I hope you can find a way to join us next September. No matter what your age, you’ll LOVE it—and its $39 price! (It can be a great girls’ getaway weekend..Did I mention Chicago is only thirty minutes from Dream Chic’s Indiana location? Hint hint ; )

Anyway, like every year that I go, I had the chance to get to know some great women, including some beautiful “Dream Chics” shown in the pic above.

One young woman (who rededicated her life to Christ at the conference) wrote this powerful message on Facebook afterwards:

This was an experience I’ll never forget. Ever. The women’s conference where young people gathered all for the same thing, to glorify God for who He is. To realize how big a plan that God has for your life. After this experience, I feel as though God has a big calling on my life, that I don’t even realize yet. I have a very very strong desire to reach out to people. Very strong. I want to help people, I want them to know, You can have more to life. God is more, God is there for you. I may struggle, and I may have trials, but God is there. God is with me. I’m grabbing onto God, and I’m not letting go…

Wow! So much in those few lines…

Glorifying God for who He really is…
Realizing He has a specific plan & calling for you (whether or not you understand it all yet)
Knowing that no matter what comes our way, God is there for us….
Grabbing onto Him so tight, we won’t let go…
(And, I might add, knowing He will never lose His grip on us!)

Hope these lines encourage you as much as they did me!

You’re in my thoughts & prayers this week…

Much love,

photo credit for top group photo

Why Can’t I Read This???

10 Sep

buried in books

School is back, and many of you are once again buried in books and computers, quizzes and tests, classes you like and maybe even those you can’t wait to be done with already!

As a former high school teacher, I’ve seen some pretty funny things over the years with students. One of my favorites was when I was monitoring an elementary student who was doing his science homework. His assignment was to write down the chapter vocab words in his notebook and then go back and fill in the definition of each term from the glossary located in the back of the book. (Ever had to do this?)

This boy worked quickly and diligently, proudly handing me his notebook upon completing all the terms. I scanned the list and took a double-take. Yep, every single term was perfect. (Seriously, not even one spelling error that I could see). I handed the notebook back to him and said, “Um…could you read me the first definition please?”

The kid glanced down, started reading, and suddenly stopped. A shocked look on his face, he cried, “What in the world? Why can’t I read this?!

We both had a good laugh when he realized that he had painstakingly copied every definition perfectly—IN SPANISH! Apparently, there were TWO glossaries in the back of his science book, one in English, the other in Spanish. This actually very smart student was so focused on what he was doing (finishing boring homework he had no interest in), he hadn’t connected with the words he was writing. He had written out hundreds of Spanish words without bothering to process or understand them. Had he simply paid attention, he would have noticed his mistake on the very first definition.

So, what’s the take-away? You really can go through the motions of doing something without connecting. Yet if you don’t connect, you’re often wasting your time. Or at least not getting as much out of the experience as you could have.

How are we simply “going through the motions” in our lives? Are there ways that we are missing out by not truly “connecting” to what we are experiencing? This can apply to school, work, relationships, or even the time we spend reading our Bibles or worshipping.

As we start a fresh fall season, take a moment now and then to check if you are really connecting to life around you. I promise that you’ll get a lot more out of…well, EVERYTHING, if you choose to be present in the moment.

(So happy to be back writing with you girls now that it’s fall. : )

Have a fabulous week!

Much love,


Summer Break from the Ordinary

30 Jul


Hey, girls!

Hope you’re having a wonderful summer, a break from the ordinary in some way.  That’s what this summer has been for me, hence my hiatus from posting the last eight weeks. But though I’ve had to step away from the computer, you have been on my heart and in my thoughts!

Recently, my husband shared with me a dream on his heart, something he wants to do to help people in life. Driving in my car a few days later, singing along to my new favorite song, the kids in their own world, laughing and talking in the backseat, I was suddenly struck with a thought:

This dream my husband shared is also my dream! I was instantly swept back to a moment when I was a teen, reading a certain book for the umpteenth time, inspired by the beautiful passion in its pages, telling God how much I would love to help people in this way. And now, so many years later, my dream was coming out of my husband’s heart, waking up desires I had set aside for the moment.

Tears began to fall as I realized how very good God is, that in His amazing plan for us, He remembers and answers dreams for His glory.

If you are a young woman reading this, know that the time you spend pursuing God now counts more than you may realize. Go after Him with all you have. Spend time on your knees with Him in both prayer and worship. Let His Word become life to you. Read (or listen to : ) books that inspire you for more than just yourself. Let God develop you in the days, months, and years to come, knowing that while life may have many twists and turns as you follow His direction, God will use the dreams He’s given you, amazing you with not only how big His plan is for you, but also the immense privilege it is to be a part of it.

I plan to be back writing weekly in September, but until then, check out the many other posts waiting for you in our archives. I pray they encourage you as you finish out a great summer! (Oh, and our workbook officially comes out on Amazon, etc., in August, so please write and let me know what you think once you get one! : )

Much love,


Here are some favorite posts you might want to check out first:

The Perfect Guy

Beautiful Dust

Go Ahead — Shine! 

Not Alone!

Series: Assumptions (10 posts)

(photo credit: Moyan Brenn)

What Girls are Saying — Grace

29 May

Amazon review Grace

Grace made my day with this awesome review of the Mr. Right Series on Amazon! (Thanks, Grace! ; )

She mentioned doing a book club with her friends using the series. LOVE that idea!

If you enjoyed Julia’s story, too, summertime is a great time to do a book club with your friends!

You could read one novel at a time together and then discuss the story and what everyone thought of all the adventures and unexpected predicaments Julia and her friends experience. : )

In fact, the Mr. Right Series Workbook (we talked about it last week) makes it easy to talk through the plot elements and life issues, to help you take a closer look at both Julia’s story and your own. How great to do that with friends who think, feel, and face many of the same things you do.

Feel free to write and let us know if you are doing a book club. We want to cheer you on—and can also give you a discount on bulk orders for your group!

Happy reading and discussing…Excited to hear how it goes!



Here’s a closer look at Grace’s review:

These books are AWESOME!!! They were so encouraging. Many of the novels I have read fail to mention the downsides of relationships. And although I love many of the other purity books this one spoke to me the most. It showed that you have to be grounded in your faith. It showed REAL life! I read this series in 2 days…I could not put them down. I now want to do a Bible study/book club for a few of my friends. These books are written very well, have a great story line, keep you intrigued, and send a godly message. These books are a great investment…worth the time and money! 🙂 Grace

Awesome News—The Workbook is Here!

21 May

Mr Right Workbook Cover

Awesome news! Our series workbook is finally here!!!

Great for personal devos, book clubs with friends, or any kind of small group, the Mr. Right Series Workbook takes you through our three novels, one by one, chapter by chapter. We take a closer look at Julia’s story, discussing the many scenarios and dynamics, seeing what God’s Word has to say about what Julia and her friends face and experience. (Things which all of us can relate to, in one way or another. ; ) You have the chance to dig deeper into Julia’s story and then consider how things are going in your own life.

Springboarding off the characters’ lives, the workbook covers basic things like, How do I develop a genuine relationship with God?, What can I do to stay safe, online and off? What does it mean to be a true friend?  It also explores questions like, What does purity really look like? How can I get past mistakes? What dreams are closest to my heart? How can I stay on track to see my dreams come true?

We’re so excited to hear what you think of this amazing tool we wrote for you!

Please write and tell us what you learned about your story by looking at Julia’s…

Always remember that God has amazing life adventures for you! Hope our workbook inspires and encourages you more than ever!

Much love,


No problem!

15 May

Inch 2013 pic (One of the lovely girls I met)

This past weekend, my mom, my oldest daughter, and I had a fantastic time at a convention, meeting teens and parents, sharing about the Mr. Right Series. There were several young women in particular that made the experience so worthwhile. It was great getting to know each of them, listening to them talk about their own dreams and passions.

I couldn’t help but want to make life easier for them, to help them however I could, to  set them up to win as they walked away from my table to face whatever awaited them in life.

Because sometimes the pressures of life can feel heavy, whether that pressure comes from other people’s expectations, our own expectations, or things like Facebook likes, Instagram comments, or magazine covers.

Take a moment to picture a young woman struggling under the weight of a big piece of furniture. No matter how hard she tries, she just can’t budge that dresser to get where she needs to go.

Have you ever seen a professional mover move a big piece of furniture? He wears a special strap around his shoulders that helps to distribute the weight. He slips that strap around the dresser and can easily move it wherever he wants. No problem!

Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30 NLT)

When life starts to feel heavy, remember that Jesus has given you a strap (His yoke) to help you shoulder responsibilities and move where you need to go. With Him as your teacher, navigating life can become much more easy and light.

Will heavy situations still pop up like that furniture? Yep. That’s life. But with Jesus, you’ll still be able to get where you need to go. No problem!

Love you, beautiful girls!


Chance Encounter

8 May


Monday I had an unexpected encounter.

I’m at a park with my kids and suddenly, out of some bushes, bounds a big, scruffy dog (incredibly cute) followed by his owner, a young woman in her 30’s. One of my daughters quickly steps in front of her dog, giving the woman a chance to catch him.

Laughing, we all begin a pleasant conversation, during which I realize I recognize this fresh-faced, lovely dog-walker. She’s an A-list celebrity, and I’m wondering, How is it possible that my world has just intersected hers?

Eventually, her identity is confirmed (as is her reason for being there), and I’m really impressed with how down-to-earth she is, patiently answering my youngest daughter’s many questions and comments (What kind of dog is your dog? How old is he? We have a new dog, a stray named Max, Is yours a stray, too?). She also kindly lingers, making small talk with the parents standing around the focal point in the park that day:  a dead squirrel the kids are lovingly preparing for burial with scattered dandelions.

In that brief 10-minute encounter, this woman showed herself to be very gracious, which brings me to a verse to consider today:

A gracious woman retains honor…Proverbs 11:6a

While I may have appreciated this woman’s beauty and acting skill prior to this meeting, it was how she handled herself in those few minutes that produced a genuine respect for her (whether or not I watch her movies ; ).

So, what do people say about us when we stumble upon them in the park? Or in the mall, at work, or even at church? Would they say we were gracious? That we make them feel respected and valued? Would our words and actions cause us to retain honor?

Because that’s what we want, right? Someone to think to themselves after meeting us, I’m so glad I did!

Food for thought with love,


photo credit

What Now???

2 May


Watching the Michigan game a few weeks ago (great season BLUE!), I was reminded of my own college days. They don’t feel that long ago—yet it’s been quite a few years already! (YIKES!)

One of my favorite classes my freshman year was my Ethics class. The professor would present contrived scenarios to us students, asking what we would do in those situations. Situations like, if your children were starving to death, would you steal to feed them or let them die because stealing is wrong? You weren’t allowed to give an answer like, I’d pray for an inspired idea to find food or I’d petition God for His divine intervention. (Remember Elijah and the ravens?) Nope. You had to answer a or b and explain why. It was very stressful, but fascinating at the same time, to see how people worked through their reasoning or justified their choices.

One day my professor (who I greatly admired, by the way) referenced a story from the Bible. He explained the dynamics of that story and ended his thoughts with:  I could never serve a God like that!

To my shock and  and dismay, I realized that I actually agreed with him! What he said made total sense to me, and I couldn’t argue with it.

Suddenly, I felt at a crossroads: ditch my belief in God because of this seeming truth OR continue to believe in Him even though I couldn’t counter that argument.

I remember thinking long and hard about it, considering the times I had felt God’s presence, the relationship I had developed with Him, the verses I had read and believed, the ones I had literally seen come true in my life. I had experienced miracles I knew were real. So, what now?

I remember praying, “Lord, like my professor, I don’t understand You in this story. But I know You, and I trust you. If You could someday explain this to me, to help my understanding, that would be great! Either way, however, I know You are real and You have my heart.

A few years later, my pastor back home did a message on that very story. What he explained completely cleared up that issue for me, and I was so grateful that I didn’t throw away my faith in God over something I couldn’t wrap my mind around at the time.    (Remember our “Soda Can” post?)

Has someone said something to you that has rocked your world a little, caused you to doubt the truth of the Bible or your relationship with God? If so, take heart! Even Thomas, a disciple who actually spent time with Jesus, the miracle-working Son of God, needed reassurance in his faith. (John 20:24-29)

I love Jesus’ reaction to Thomas’ doubt of His resurrection. He didn’t scold him and dub him Doubting Thomas (as we’ve often heard him called). Instead, Jesus went directly to Thomas and addressed his doubt, helping him to believe. Then He encouraged us who would come later, declaring a blessing when we believe in Him without having the opportunity to put our hands on His scars and witness the resurrection with our own eyes.

When doubts come, as they may at some point, in some form or fashion, remind yourself that truth is truth, regardless of what you do or do not understand at a given moment. Be willing to wait, search, and dig a little rather than simply give up your faith. God loves you and is faithful. If you choose to seek Him with your whole heart, He will work with you and help you understand the truth of who He really is.

Have a fabulous week, beautiful girls!

Much love,


photo credit

Barbara’s Story (might surprise you!)

24 Apr

Mom's wedding pic 3

Hey, everyone! Hope your week is going well…

Recently, I shared my story of meeting Mr. Right. (Worth the Wait) Could any of you relate to the things I was feeling on my journey?

As promised, here is my mom’s story.   Hers might REALLY surprise you! Let’s just say it involves some eloping, soul searching, and finding love like no other…

Hope our stories remind you that others have gone through the very things you face, that you are not alone…

If you have a moment, comment on this post and share what parts of our stories you liked best!

Praying for you this week!

Much love,
